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Awesomebella (who is an awesome girlfriend) "cooks" -PUPPY CHOW

Awesomebella (who is an awesome girlfriend) "cooks" -PUPPY CHOW - lately we often hear a lot of new gadgets are released by famous brands that have a good spec, on the blog Diandra Gadget we will discuss about the review gagdet of all brands ranging from spek, price and how to use it, now we will discuss first about Awesomebella (who is an awesome girlfriend) "cooks" -PUPPY CHOW please refer to the information we provide, because we have collected a lot of data to make this article to be complete for you:

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Awesomebella (who is an awesome girlfriend) "cooks" -PUPPY CHOW

This week I "cooked" (using that word lightly as this only involved measuring, melting and mixing) my Air Force boyfriend some Puppy Chow.

Okay. I know it sounds gross. But it's not. Trust me. Dog food isn't involved.

He has one month left of tech school before he can come home for a couple weeks (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I figured some tasty snacks would help him in his final stretch of studies, labs and tests. Tasty snacks don't fix problems or make people stop missing each other, but they are helpful in one way or another in just about every situation. Or so I think.

Lets be honest people, if I created my own religious philosophy it would revolve around snacks (or dishwashers...but that is another story for another day). I love snacks. So much. (But creating your own religious beliefs is way bad so...I don't. Eternity is a long time) I walk into my kitchen at least twice a day, throw open the pantry and forage. Usually say "I NEED SOME SNACKS!" Sometimes this is followed by a made up snack song. Nothing unusual there.

Anyway, this is puppy chow:

I promise, underneath there isn't any dog food type product. It is all humanly edible and all delicious. And super duper easy to make. The entire production takes maybe 10 minutes.

All you need is some Chex* cereal (or something of the like), Chocolate Chips, PEANUT BUTTER, butter, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, 2 bowls and a microwave. 

I followed THIS RECIPE here, only I added extra peanut butter.

I've heard it said that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."
I am not sure that this is true, but I do know that JoJo sure likes spreadable peanut product.
The more peanut butter that can be in cooperated into food, the better.

*megaplus to this whole thing: puppy chow is very easy to stick in a plastic zip bag and send to anywhere. Always a plus when your favorite person in need of snacks is 1,400+ miles away. Easiest thing I have made and sent so far. So why not send some delicious coated munchables to your favorite long distance relation/military member/whomever?

quite so many infromation Awesomebella (who is an awesome girlfriend) "cooks" -PUPPY CHOW

hopefully the information we provide about Awesomebella (who is an awesome girlfriend) "cooks" -PUPPY CHOW can give more benefits for you in determining the gadget that suits your needs.

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