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Add cool Twitter flying bird to your blog

Add cool Twitter flying bird to your blog - lately we often hear a lot of new gadgets are released by famous brands that have a good spec, on the blog Diandra Gadget we will discuss about the review gagdet of all brands ranging from spek, price and how to use it, now we will discuss first about Add cool Twitter flying bird to your blog please refer to the information we provide, because we have collected a lot of data to make this article to be complete for you:

Articles : Add cool Twitter flying bird to your blog
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Article BLOG WIDGETS, Article Blogging,

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Add cool Twitter flying bird to your blog

        Twitter being huge platform to share your latest post you can increase your blog traffic via twitter. More are your twitter follower greater is your chance of  good traffic from twitter. So to increase your twitter follower Add cute looking twitter bird to your blog. This bird fly from corner to corner of your blog and it looks cool. Follow below instructions to add yours now:

       1. Go to Blogger > Design > Edit Html
       2. Then search for </Body>
       3. Just above it paste following code.

<script src='http://bloggerblogwidgets.googlecode.com/files/way2blogging.org-tripleflap.js' type='text/javascript'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var twitterAccount = &quot;ndark14&quot;;
var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> &quot;;

       4. In place of ndark14 write your twitter username.
       5. Now save your template and see twitter bird flying on your blog.

   If you feel any difficulty feel free to ask and if you like these just say than you !

quite so many infromation Add cool Twitter flying bird to your blog

hopefully the information we provide about Add cool Twitter flying bird to your blog can give more benefits for you in determining the gadget that suits your needs.

you just read the article with the title Add cool Twitter flying bird to your blog if intend to bookmark bookmark or share please use link https://diandrakesling.blogspot.com/2011/11/add-cool-twitter-flying-bird-to-your.html to get more information about technology please visit other pages on this blog, thank you.

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