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Wanna help me out with a school assignment? SURVEY TIME!

Wanna help me out with a school assignment? SURVEY TIME! - lately we often hear a lot of new gadgets are released by famous brands that have a good spec, on the blog Diandra Gadget we will discuss about the review gagdet of all brands ranging from spek, price and how to use it, now we will discuss first about Wanna help me out with a school assignment? SURVEY TIME! please refer to the information we provide, because we have collected a lot of data to make this article to be complete for you:

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Wanna help me out with a school assignment? SURVEY TIME!

Hey all, this is probably like the most random post I will ever be posting upon My Name is Not King but...humour me.

The short of what is more of a long story is this: I have a survey project due for my math class on Wednesday (involving surveying like 60 people, the survey results, a pamphlet I create based on them, and a presentation to the class) This survey involved 26 campus students (completed that part!), but now I need responses from 26 non-campus people. And I though perhaps some of you would like to participate (/I am desperate and don't want to spend all weekend hunting down people to survey).

The survey, which I am doing on people's view of the existence of God, is directly related to my World Religions class. (and yes, I did have the most complicated survey question of the class. The others involved cars, ice cream and Lebron James. Of course mine took the longest for people to answer...typical sneaky Bella move...)



IF you would like to help me out, leave a comment *AND PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR INITIALS.* I understand many of you go by cutesy blog names, but first and last initials are required if I am going to be able to use your response in my project.

It would be helpful if you formatted your comments sort of like this:

Q1: Yes      
Q2: Yes  

(or whatever your yes or no answers may be).

I have gotten quite intriguing answers so far (I am baffled by the number of campus students who answered both yes and no to their belief in the existence of God...?). Obviously, the answers are all a little vague (What do they mean when they say "God"? Which one? Why? Etc...), but I think this survey will be really interesting nonetheless.

If you could help me out with this it would be wonderful! Perhaps I will share the final results on here next week! THANKS!

quite so many infromation Wanna help me out with a school assignment? SURVEY TIME!

hopefully the information we provide about Wanna help me out with a school assignment? SURVEY TIME! can give more benefits for you in determining the gadget that suits your needs.

you just read the article with the title Wanna help me out with a school assignment? SURVEY TIME! if intend to bookmark bookmark or share please use link https://diandrakesling.blogspot.com/2012/01/wanna-help-me-out-with-school.html to get more information about technology please visit other pages on this blog, thank you.

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