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Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015

Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015 - lately we often hear a lot of new gadgets are released by famous brands that have a good spec, on the blog Diandra Gadget we will discuss about the review gagdet of all brands ranging from spek, price and how to use it, now we will discuss first about Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015 please refer to the information we provide, because we have collected a lot of data to make this article to be complete for you:

Articles : Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015
full Link : Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015
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Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015

No much waste of time, http://diandrakesling.blogspot.com /2015/02/how-to-get-free-unlimited-250mb-on-your.html">etisalat is crazily rocking on simple server… I know etisalat tweak doesn’t last but this one has been rocking since yesterday. Atleast with this, you can download whatever you want or can think before it will be hijacked by uncoded eti staffs. But might be very slow in surfing; but best in downloading. Just edit your simple server to what is below.

Etisalat Free Browsing Downloading Unlimited Simple Server

How To Setup Simple server For PC Users
L H O S T = ' 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 '

I M E T H O D = 1

I S P L I T = 0

R H T T P = 0

T I M E O U T = 6 0

P H O S T = ' 1 9 4 . 1 7 0 . 1 8 7 . 9 '

R Q U E R Y = ' '

R P A T H = 0

P T Y P E = 0

K E E P = ' '

B Q U E R Y = ' '

MQ U E R Y = ' '

R H T T P S = 1

P P O R T = 8 0

L P O R T = 8 0 8 0

V A L H D R 1 = ' '

V A L H D R 2 = ' '

V A L H D R 3 = ' '

I Q U E R Y = ' www . e t i s a l a t . c om . n g '

A DMO D E = 0

C Q U E R Y = ' '

C U S H D R 2 = ' '

C U S H D R 3 = ' '

C U S H D R 1 = ' '

I L I N E = 0

F Q U E R Y = ' '

S B U F F = 1 0 2 4

R P O R T = 0

How To setup Simple server For Android & Symbian phone Users

Access Point :- Default

Local Host :-

Local Port :- 8080

HTTP Query :-

Front Query : Non

Middle Query : None

Back Query : None

Reverse Query : None

Inject Query : www.etisalat.com.ng

Inject Method : HEAD

Inject Newline : \r\n

Inject Splitline : Default

HTTP Header :-

Custom Header 1 : Host

Header Value 1 : music.vodafone.com.tr Custom Header 2 : None

Header Value 2 : None

Custom Header 3 : None

Header Value 3 : None

Custom Header 4 : None

Header Value 4 : None

Proxy Host :- ' '

Proxy Port : - 80

Then the Set IP and port for PC ,andriod & symbian to :


port: 8080

Mind you, this is not a bb plan, it doesn’t require any airtime or mb.. just Connect, surf and keep downloading until you are tired of downloading. 

You can also comment and share to your friends,

Is work perfectly and like jet speed incase uf you have a problem or comfuse during configure it on your PC.

You can contact me or find me via whatsappp messenger +2348067611897 ...

Enjoy the downloading speed....

quite so many infromation Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015

hopefully the information we provide about Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015 can give more benefits for you in determining the gadget that suits your needs.

you just read the article with the title Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015 if intend to bookmark bookmark or share please use link https://diandrakesling.blogspot.com/2015/02/etisalat-free-browsing-and-downloading.html to get more information about technology please visit other pages on this blog, thank you.

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Related : Etisalat Free Browsing and Downloading Unlimited With Simple Server (PC, Android & Symbian USERS) 2015

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